星期日, 5月 16, 2004

MST 進度一

MST 進度一:找出porting 現有的 Franklin MST code 的片段至 DOS or 單純的執行環境


1. 藉由 Jean 提出的範例,想辦法導入 main(), 做 com port 測試

2. DOS MST code, 設法使用 BIOS 提供的中斷服務


MST 開發環境建置

1. Masm 6.11
1-1. install masm 6.11 by using masm 6.11 setup
1-2. patch masm ml(6.14), link(5.6.3), nmake(1.5), replace the ml.exe(6.11d), ml.err(6.11d) which comes with the Windows 98 DDK.

2. VC++ 6.0
2-1. install VC++ 6 by using Visual Studio 6 disc 1 setup
2-2. patch the VC++ 6 to sp5

3. prepare MST source code.
3-1. copy MST source code to drive c:
3-2. move the toolkit folder to driver c:
3-3. modify the masm611.bat, create msvc600.bat by inherit the msvc153c.bat & modify.

