星期四, 12月 28, 2006

PXA255 MSCx[2:0] setting?

I saw the MSC0_VAL in PXA255 initial code & tried to found how to calculate the best setting for PXA255 with Intel P30 Flash, Yamaha YGV628.
The RDFx, RDNx, RRRx registers are difficult to understand why the value of them came from.

For P30 Flash:
I found the Application Note 768 (Intel Strata Flash Memory(J3) to Intel PXA270 Applications Processor Design Guide). This document mentions the RDFx, RDNx, RRRx came from Intel PXA270 clock speed & flash read/write timing. So, that's it.

星期二, 12月 26, 2006

Which files to add to repository?

Which files to add to repository?

As programer, we need to know the purpose of every file in our project to have fully control.
This document is about the files of Visual C++ & embedded Visual C++ which need to be put into our version control.
the url link: http://www.jeffhung.net/blog/articles/jeffhung/348/.

星期四, 12月 21, 2006

The Intel P30 Flash with Windows CE 4.2 FMD driver

1. I found the jflashmm could write correctly with P30 Flash. So, to fully understand the code of jflashmm could help me to know how to modify the CE driver.

1-1. modify the dbpxa255.dat (the memory map part)
1-2. use the Flash_891c_2_32.dat (the P30 series flash have 4 x 32K Block + 255 x 128K block)

the CE side:
2-1. to know the inside of FMD driver(Intel Strata) comes with CE 4.2.
2-2. to modify the strata driver to fit the P30 spec, especially the mechanism of block lock & block arrangement.

星期四, 12月 14, 2006

Using USB KITL under Windows CE

Using USB KITL under Windows CE.

This is the on going project for me, to create an USB debug environment under Windows CE.NET or later. I will keep update the related info or my testing result.

RNDIS driver architecture differences between Windows CE 4.2 and 5.0. http://blogs.msdn.com/cenet/archive/2006/01/07/510512.aspx

Microsoft RNDIS sample use NetChip 2890

星期二, 12月 12, 2006

Install proxy server under Windows XP pro.

The link:

PS: The "acl" define of squid.conf need to be modified to fit the network filter.

星期五, 11月 10, 2006

Installing CVSNT & WinCVS

1. Installing the CVSNT under my Windows XP pro.
- get the cvsnt- from my software repository. (You could download the latest version from www.cvsnt.org)
- running the setup program of cvsnt (nothing specical)
- there is no need to reboot system after completed the install process.
- setup the defaul repositoy (example: Location: D:/CVSRepository, Name: /CVSRepository, Description: CVSRoot, Publish repository checked, Default repository checked, Online checked.)
- done.

2. Installing the WinCVS
- get the WinCvs2_0_2-4.zip from www.wincvs.org.
- running the setup program of WinCVS (choosing Typical)
- Set the CVS server related setting by clicking Admin/Login. (example: :pserver:allen@jupiter:/CVSRepository, format is :protocal:user@server:/repository)
- done.

PS: always keep in mind if there is code changed, use "update" before directly commit.

星期三, 10月 25, 2006

Found two interesting books...

While web surfing, I found two interesting books, Car PC Hacks & Mapping Hacks. These two books are related with my current job, the Smart Phone & PNA developing. So, I bought these two books. Maybe could give me more idea about my design.