Finally, I make my decision to transfer from Visual Stdio + Qt to Eclipse + Qt for cross-platform & singal UI.
Here is my install steps.
1. get the qt4.4.0 windows binary version. (Mingw can also installed while qt4.4.0 installing.)
2. get qt for eclipse plugin
3. get Eclipse + CDT latest version.
4. install all on C:\Develop (Qt4: c:\develop\qt4, Eclipse: c:\develop\eclipse)
5. set PATH=c:\mingw\bin;c:\develop\qt4\bin
6. set INC=c:\mingw\lib;c:\develop\qt4\lib
7. set include=c:\mingw\include;c:\develop\qt4\include
8. done
PS: debug libs are not included. user has to build by own througth 'qtvars.bat compile_debug'