Add a project on exist AOSP repository (ex: realtek android driver)
- Make a git repository & add/commit files
cd /hardware/realtek/wlan
git init
git add *
git commit -m "1st release" -a
git init
git add *
git commit -m "1st release" -a
- Create .repo/projects
mkdir -p ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git
cp -a * ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/
- Remove local git files & make link to .repo/projects
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/branches .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/config .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/description .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/hooks .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/info .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/logs .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/objects .
ln -s ../../../../.repo/projects/hardware/realtek/wlan.git/refs .
- Edit project.list and manifest.xml
vi .repo/project.list
- add
vi .repo/manifest.xml
- add